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Nearly 200 Celebrities Sign Billboard's Open Letter to Congress for Gun Control

Nearly 200 musical artists and executives have signed an open letter from Billboard, urging Congress to stop gun violence now.

The open letter says, "Music always has been celebrated communally, on dancefloors and at concert halls. But this life-affirming ritual, like so many other daily experiences - going to school or church or work - now is threatened, because of gun violence in this country. The one thing that connects the recent tragedies in Orlando is that it is far too easy for dangerous people to get their hands on guns. We call on Congress to do more to prevent the gun violence that kills more than 90 Americans every day and injures hundreds more, including: Require a background check for every gun sale, [and] block suspected terrorists from buying guns. Billboard and the undersigned implore you - the people who are elected to represent us - to close the deadly loopholes that put the lives of so many music fans, and all of us, at risk."

Adam Lambert, Adyn Walsh, Alicia Keys, Artie Grein, Billy Joel, Britney Spears, Calvin Harris, Cher, Christina Aguilera, Common, Demi Lovato, DJ Khaled, Ellen Degeneres, Faye Sweetnam, Gabriela Baena, Grace Irvine, Jennifer Lopez, Katy Perry, Kesha, King, Lady Gaga, Liam Bellomi, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Meghan Trainor, Paul McCartney, the members of Plover, Shakira, Sia, the members of Sik Naztea, and more have signed.

See some of the signatures below, and read more over at

billboard open letter to congress 01
billboard open letter to congress 02

Photos: Billboard
Posted to: Magazine, Politics
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